
Showing posts from November, 2024

Audience Theory 1

Hypodermic needle model 1) Read this Mail Online article about the effects of videogames. How does this article link to the hypodermic needle model? It links to the hypodermic needle model as the article suggests people who play violent games for 20 minutes a day encourages violent behaviour; the hypodermic needle model is a theory that suggests people are influenced by the media very easily, as it injects information into the audience, something this article suggests. 2) How does coverage of the Talk Talk hacking case (see Daily Mail front page below) link to the hypodermic needle model? Why might someone criticise this front page?  They describe the hacker/son as a "violent video game addict who rarely leaves his bedroom". They are suggesting that the violent video games made him this way and influenced his way of living, which links to the hypodermic needle theory. 3) What do you think of the hypodermic needle theory? Do audiences believe everything they see in the media? ...

Introduction to Media - Index

1) Introduction to Media: 10 questions 2) Media consumption audit 3) Semiotics blog tasks 4) Language: Reading an image - media codes 5) Reception theory - advert analysis and factsheet 6) Genre: Factsheets and genre study questions 7) Narrative: Factsheet questions

Assessment 1 LR

  1) WWW: Q1 and Q3 are both solid responses so it's just Q2 holding you back in the lower grades which we can address in future assessments. EBI: Social and cultural contexts are the key - this also came up at GCSE but it's more challenging at A Level. See the mark scheme for more and we'll also look at this in class. 2)  01: Todorov's Equilibrium theory, and Barthes' enigma and action codes. 02: The reflection of the UK working class contexts in both texts, social concerns over criminal gangs, Nike advert is ambiguous, both grounded in British working class culture, and hints that the role society plays can greatly influence people. 03: More information about how important genres are to producers and/or audiences, and Neale and Abercromie on repetition and difference/variation. 3)  01: More narrative theory and delving deeper into the subject of conflict and violence in society. 02: Explaining/analysing young people and what they can do more, and how you can succe...

Audience Classification

Media Factsheet 1) How is audience defined in the Factsheet? Audience is the general term for people that consume a media product . 2) What does the infographic for Gen Z in the age of COVID-19 suggest about the media Gen Z consumes?  Age is just one way the audiences may be defined, and the COVID-19 pandemic is just one potential influence. 3) How do media companies target and measure their audience in the digital age? Media producers use data to target their audiences , whether it'd be choice of platform , scheduling or algorithm . 4) What did the NRS used to do and what does PAMCO do now?  They used to collect demographic info from newspaper audiences . Nowadays, as the NRS has been absorbed into PAMCO, they collate info on traditional newspapers and magazines in print and online , producing complex data to who consumes them. 5) How are demographics and psychographics defined in the factsheet? Demographics are much more simpler and involve collecting relatively imperso...