Assessment 1 LR


WWW: Q1 and Q3 are both solid responses so it's just Q2 holding you back in the lower grades which we can address in future assessments.

EBI: Social and cultural contexts are the key - this also came up at GCSE but it's more challenging at A Level. See the mark scheme for more and we'll also look at this in class.


01: Todorov's Equilibrium theory, and Barthes' enigma and action codes.

02: The reflection of the UK working class contexts in both texts, social concerns over criminal gangs, Nike advert is ambiguous, both grounded in British working class culture, and hints that the role society plays can greatly influence people.

03: More information about how important genres are to producers and/or audiences, and Neale and Abercromie on repetition and difference/variation.


01: More narrative theory and delving deeper into the subject of conflict and violence in society.

02: Explaining/analysing young people and what they can do more, and how you can succeed anywhere.

03: Neale and Abercromie.

4) I don't believe I did, however I did miss out on some key theories/theorists. Like I said before, I could've mentioned equilibrium theory, used enigma and action codes more and use Neale and Abercromie when talking about repetition and variation.

5) My weakest question was 2. I need to:
- Have sharper question focus: to name a few, I have to have more social + cultural contexts, talk more about British culture and dominant ideologies
- Use more theories in my answer
- Talk more about deeper meanings within both than what I initially wrote


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