Industries - Regulation
1) What is regulation and why do media industries need to be regulated?
Regulation is putting rules and regulations in place to ensure organizations operate fairly.
2) What is OFCOM responsible for?
OFCOM is responsible for the regulation of TV, radio and telephone services.
3) Look at the section on the OFCOM broadcasting code. Which do you think are the three most important sections of the broadcasting code and why?
Section 1, 3 and 7. Children should always be protected, crime should always be dealt with and the media should be fair.
4) Do you agree with OFCOM that Channel 4 was wrong to broadcast 'Wolverine' at 6.55pm on a Sunday evening? Why?
I don't think Channel 4 was entirely in the wrong. While it is a weekend, I don't imagine much kids would be watching Channel 4 at around 7pm.
5) List five of the sections in the old Press Complaints Commission's Code of Practice.
Section 1 - Accuracy
Section 2 - Opportunity to Reply
Section 3 - Privacy
Section 4 - Harassment
Section 5 - Intrusion Into Grief and Shock
6) Why was the Press Complaints Commission criticised?
Critics claim that the lack of statutory powers mean the best victims hope for is an apology, and they also argue that many newspapers seem to fly in the face of the rules on a pretty regular basis and that very little is done to stop them.
7) What was the Leveson enquiry and why was it set up?
The Leveson enquiry was an enquiry into the "culture, practices and ethics of the press". It was set up to prevent borderline illegal ways of gathering information for the press and to protect the privacy of individuals.
8) What was the PCC replaced with in 2014?
IPSO (The Independent Press Standards Organization)
9) What is your opinion on press regulation? Is a free press an important part of living in a democracy or should newspapers face statutory regulation like TV and radio?
I feel as if it should be a mix of both. While yes, we should be free to present what we want in the press, but that doesn't mean illegal and/or sensitive topics should be excluded. Newspapers should face statutory regulation for the safety and privacy of specific individuals.
10) Why is the internet so difficult to regulate?
The internet is so difficult to regulate for a multitude of reasons. For one, it's largely dominated by user-generated content, two, it's global, so one country can't control the entire internet, and three, it's simply too large to control. There's thousands of different websites and such that fly under the radar.
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