Reading an image - Media Codes


- Fingerprint image - arrest/crime - quite unusual for a brand to promote something like this - creates a narrative of a successful upbringing from a rough area
- Verbal code: "I am what I am"; authenticity, relates to the connotations of the fingerprint image of a steady rise in tough conditions
- Lighting: dark, harshly lit - low-key lighting, lighting coming from the top (top lighting) - shadows possibly represent the dark/tough life they had to endure - light represents his hope and how he took control of his life
- Typography: o's filled in - denotes/infers holes, connotations of bullets as 50 Cent is famous for being shot 9 times
- Non-verbal codes: 50 Cent's face - his facial expression denotes/connotes sadness and/or sorrow - perhaps due to the life he had to live - relates to the verbal code of "I am what I am"
- Costume: his costume is quite popular/average in society as lots of people around the globe wear similar clothing - denotes/infers that someone average like him can turn their lives around for the better - inspires audiences
- Verbal code: "Adventure anytime, anywhere"; excitement, going on an "adventure" anywhere - connotations of exhileration and anticipation -  a narrative that you control anywhere you go
- Colour: primarily red, connotations of danger, courage - plays into the verbal code of "adventure anytime", as what the audience is about to experience is considered visceral yet exciting
- Typography: Sans serif font, connotes modernity and current times - the font could be a symbolic code on how video games are a future entertainment medium, and that the "future is now" when experiencing games
- Non-verbal codes: Product picture - denotations of a bright, modern yet simplistic video game console; connotes happiness, excitement and modernity - a simple design yet engaging and fun for audiences


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